Pre-AP Course Audit for Coordinators

Check to see if your school has completed Course Audit.

The Purpose of Pre-AP Course Audit

Before your school can be authorized to offer Pre-AP, the school will need to complete the Pre-AP Course Audit process.

Completion of Course Audit is required to:

  • Grant teachers access to Pre-AP Classroom, including instructional materials, professional learning, and assessment tools
  • Authorize your school to use "Pre-AP" in its course names
  • Include your school in Pre-AP Course Ledger

The Coordinator’s Role in Course Audit

Although you’re not responsible for completing the Pre-AP Course Audit, you do have these responsibilities in connection with completing the audit:

  1. With your school leadership, determine who the Course Audit administrator will be. This is usually the principal or principal’s designee and may be the Pre-AP coordinator. It’s important for this person to be available during the summer months because the Course Audit process must be completed before access to Pre-AP Classroom is provided. This person is responsible for finalizing Pre-AP Course Audit forms, renewing authorizations annually, and checking the Pre-AP Course Ledger each academic year to make sure it accurately lists their school’s Pre-AP course offerings.
  2. You must inform new Pre-AP teachers of record (including co-teachers) to complete their portion of the Course Audit process so they can be approved and access Pre-AP Classroom.

Only Pre-AP teachers of record (including co-teachers) should complete the Course Audit process. Instructional coaches and leaders should not complete this process.
