
Annual Calendar for Pre-AP Coordinators

Important dates for the school year
January 27 – August 31District and school administrators order Pre-AP for their school or district.
March 1Teachers, administrators, and Pre-AP coordinators can begin registering for Pre-AP Summer Institutes.
March 1Teachers can begin the Pre-AP Course Audit process, indicating which courses they are teaching and completing attestations.
March 1Course Audit administrators complete the required attestations and begin approving Course Audit forms submitted by teachers. Returning teachers can be renewed.
June 1Teachers can log into Pre-AP Classroom using the same account information they used to complete Course Audit.
June 1Administrators and Pre-AP coordinators can log into Pre-AP Classroom using access codes found on the ordering website.
JunePre-AP print materials begin shipping.
SummerNew teachers complete professional learning by attending a Pre-AP Summer Institute and/or completing the online modules. (The deadline for completing this professional learning is October 30.) Experienced teachers engage in professional learning through online modules.
SummerPre-AP coordinators complete the Online Coordinator Module.
SummerNew Pre-AP administrators complete professional learning by attending a Pre-AP Leadership Workshop for Administrators and/or completing the online modules for administrators. Experienced administrators engage in professional learning through online modules.
August–JuneTeachers complete at least one online scoring module.
September–OctoberTeachers administer at least one learning checkpoint and the performance task at the appropriate time for Unit 1.
December–JanuaryTeachers administer at least one learning checkpoint and the performance task at the appropriate time for Unit 2.
March–AprilTeachers administer at least one learning checkpoint and the performance task at the appropriate time for Unit 3.
May–JuneTeachers administer at least one learning checkpoint and the performance task at the appropriate time for Unit 4.

Note: Assessment schedules are for schools implementing a traditional, not block, schedule. If you are on a block or alternative schedule, you may follow a different schedule.