
Online Modules for Experienced Pre-AP Teachers

Free, online modules for experienced teachers

Online Modules for Experienced Pre-AP Teachers


The Experienced Teacher Online Modules reinforce key Pre-AP Program ideas and support teachers as they continue to refine their courses and instructional practices. These quick-hitting professional learning modules offer ready-to-try ideas and interactions inspired by feedback from Pre-AP teachers.


  • Analyze opportunities to build students' success in a Pre-AP course.
  • Explore professional resources and readings to support your practice.
  • Practice protocols that address specific implementation challenges and opportunities.

Module Topics

  • Introduction: Experienced Pre-AP Teacher Support
  • Plan: Meeting Learners' Needs by Differentiating Instruction
  • Plan: Personalizing Instruction with Intention
  • Teach: Activating Student Voices
  • Teach: Empowering English Learners
  • Assess & Reflect: Assessment for Learning

Audience: All Pre-AP course teachers and instructional coaches

Delivery: Virtual, asynchronous

Duration: ~1 hour per module

Availability: On-demand on Pre-AP Classroom

Price: Free with purchase of Pre-AP

Continuing Education Units (CEUs): 0.1 per module

How to Access Online Modules in Pre-AP Classroom

  1. Log in at
  2. Select Go to Pre-AP Classroom for your course.
  3. Select Professional Learning from the top navigation menu.
  4. Select your Experienced Teacher Module Series Learning Plan to get started.

For additional support, click the Help button in Pre-AP Classroom or email [email protected].

Start your free Foundational Teacher Modules in Pre-AP Classroom.