Pre-AP Annual Opportunity Report
Building a diverse student population of AP-ready students.
Preparing for What's Next
For both Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW), Pre-AP students were more likely to meet the SAT® Suite of Assessment benchmarks, which indicate whether a student is on track for college and career readiness at each grade level.
Pre-AP Reach
In the 2021-22 school year, Pre-AP was offered in nearly every state and over 25 countries.
Pre-AP Demographics
Pre-AP is focused on ensuring student diversity in the program as a means to increase access to and equity in advanced coursework, including AP.
"Pre-AP has helped change mindsets—those of teachers, parents and, most importantly, students—about who belongs in AP classes.”
“You have to be prepared to defend your ideas, and you have to have evidence to back it up.”
Pre-AP Educator Satisfaction
Pre-AP will only be successful in providing equitable and inclusive learning opportunities to all students if educators are satisfied with the program. Overwhelmingly, Pre-AP teachers and administrators recommend continuing to offer Pre-AP courses. See the full report for details.