
Pre-AP in West Virginia

What Is Pre-AP?

  • Pre-AP builds critical thinking skills that students need to succeed in AP, college, and careers.
  • Pre-AP currently offers 12 grade-level courses ranging across English, math, science, world history and geography, and the arts.
  • All Pre-AP courses are designed to be accessible to all students. Although back-mapped from College Board’s AP Program, Pre-AP courses aren’t honors or advanced courses.
  • Most students take Pre-AP in grades 9 and 10.
  • Pre-AP courses don’t offer college credit and are separate from AP courses.

How Pre-AP Works to Close the Opportunity Gap

  • College Board knows that every student can learn, grow, and succeed so Pre-AP instruction is designed to build confidence and skills in every student.
  • Pre-AP provides focus. Teachers can use Pre-AP course frameworks to plan targeted instruction that best suits students’ specific needs. By devoting more time to fewer concepts, students can achieve mastery of grade-level-appropriate material.
  • Pre-AP addresses a gap. In a research study called The Opportunity Myth, most students were given grade-level assignments only a quarter of the time; and underrepresented students received even less (The Opportunity Myth, TNTP, September 2018).
  • Students provided with grade-level instruction see growth. This is especially true for students who have the most need. Research shows that students who start the school year below grade level are able to reduce the gap when they’re given grade-appropriate assignments.

How Pre-AP Supports West Virginia Initiatives

Pre-AP helps to level the playing field between low-income and high-income students. Based on research data and input from teachers in middle school, high school, and college, we found that students thrive when provided with four key resources:

  1. grade-appropriate assignments
  2. strong instruction
  3. deep engagement
  4. high expectations

Pre-AP addresses the transition from middle school to high school. Most students take Pre-AP during grades 9 and 10, a critical transition period—especially for at-risk students.

Pre-AP supports STEM initiatives for students. Students gain the problem-solving skills that lead to improvements in PSAT-related assessments and SAT scores, in addition to improved preparation for AP math and science courses.

Pre-AP supports STEM initiatives for teachers. The Pre-AP array of classroom resources and the program’s robust professional learning menu make it easier for schools to attract—and retain—top STEM teachers.

Pre-AP promotes a college-going culture. The Pre-AP Program supports West Virginia’s commitment to ensuring that students have equal access to substantive and challenging coursework. Pre-AP also gives middle and high school teachers the resources needed to support students in the skills, habits of mind, and concepts they need to succeed on the SAT, and in Advanced Placement® and other high-level courses.