
Prepare for Pre-AP

To support districts and schools in preparing to teach the College Board Pre-AP Courses prior to May 1 (when access to Pre-AP Classroom is available), we’ve collected a set of resources for you for each course: 

  • Course Guide  
  • Teacher resources, includes performance task 
  • Learning Checkpoint sample questions  

All resources are copyrighted by College Board. These are intended for review purposes only and cannot be distributed. Email us at [email protected] from your school email account to receive these materials.

  • Approach to Teaching and Learning: The Pre-AP theory of action, which includes focused content, horizontally and vertically aligned instruction, and targeted assessments and feedback. 
    • Shared Principles: Cross-disciplinary principles that allow students to effectively extend their content knowledge while strengthening their critical thinking skills. 
    • Areas of Focus: Practices that students develop and leverage as they engage with course content. They are vertically aligned to practices embedded in courses within a discipline, giving students multiple opportunities to strengthen and deepen their work with these skills throughout their education. 
  • Course Map: Shows how Pre-AP components are positioned throughout a course. 
  • Course Framework: Back mapped from AP expectations and aligned to grade-level expectations, the course framework is a teacher’s blueprint for instructional resources and assessments. Components include big ideas, enduring understandings, learning objectives, and key concepts for the course. 
  • Assessments for Learning: Pre-AP assessments serve as tools for understanding progress and identifying areas that need more support. They provide frequent and meaningful feedback for both teachers and students across each unit of the course and for the course as a whole. 

To view your state standards correlations, go to the course page.

Pre-AP Classroom Preview: There are several ways to review the functionality of Pre-AP Classroom. You can review the Pre-AP Classroom User Guide for Administrators and CoordinatorsPre-AP Classroom User Guide for Teachers, and Pre-AP Classroom User Guide for Students