
Pre-AP Course Audit for Course Audit Administrators

The Purpose of Pre-AP Course Audit

Before your school can be authorized to offer Pre-AP, you’ll need to complete Pre-AP Course Audit.

Completion of Course Audit is required to:

  • Grant teachers access to Pre-AP Classroom, including instructional materials, professional learning, and assessment tools
  • Authorize your school to use "Pre-AP" in its course names
  • Include your school in Pre-AP Course Ledger

Your Role as Course Audit Administrator

You’ll be the person responsible for approving teachers for access to Pre-AP Classroom.

That means you’ll need to be available during the summer because the Course Audit process must be completed before your school can access the online resources in Pre-AP Classroom.

Understand How to Support AP Readiness

The following actions support student preparedness for AP.

  • Pre-AP for All: Increase the number of students taking AP by having all students engage in Pre-AP.
  • Course Frameworks: Aligning instruction to Pre-AP course frameworks gives students access to the content and skills necessary for AP Success.
  • Assessments: Provide students practice with Pre-AP assessments that prepare them for the types of questions they'll see on AP exams.
  • Professional Learning: Engage teachers and instructional leaders in Pre-AP Professional learning to help them learn how to integrate Pre-AP materials and instructional practices into their daily lessons. Targeted learning opportunities for administrators help them effectively support the Pre-AP program at their schools.

Completing the Course Audit as a New Pre-AP School

Pre-AP Course Audit tasks are completed online. Course Audit administrators can get their access code from the ordering website under the Access Codes header. Course audit begins March 1 for the upcoming school year.

Your steps to completing Pre-AP Course Audit:

  • Get your access code by calling the AP Course Audit Help line at 877-APHELP-0 (274-3570).
  • Register and log in to your College Board professional account at Use the access code to add AP/Pre-AP Course Audit to your account.
  • Complete attestations.
  • Ask your Pre-AP teachers to create a College Board professional account or log in to their existing account to add their course and complete the Pre-AP Course Audit form.  
  • After a teacher has completed the Course Audit process, affirm the individual teacher as a teacher of record by approving the Course Audit submission.

Completing the Course Audit as a Returning School

If you’ve already completed an audit and been authorized by Pre-AP, your process may be as simple as renewing and confirming information in your account.

Your steps to completing Pre-AP Course Audit:

  • Log in to your College Board professional account.
  • Navigate to the Course Audit tool.
  • Complete attestations.
  • Select Renew Pre-AP Courses.
  • Confirm which teachers are still teaching courses from previous years (options are yes, no, or undecided). Note: You’ll only see the courses that have been ordered for the upcoming academic year.


Can the Pre-AP and AP Course Audit administrator be the same person?

Yes, the same person can be the Pre-AP and AP Course Audit administrator, but they don’t have to be the same person.

What if my school is returning, but I’m a new Course Audit administrator? 

If your school has offered a Pre-AP program, but you’re a new Course Audit administrator, go to and click on Access Codes to get your Course Audit access code. Create your College Board account, and follow the steps for the renewing school Course Audit administrator.

Can a teacher also be the Course Audit administrator?

If the teacher is empowered by the school to make the attestations and approvals required by the Course Audit administrator, a teacher may be the Course Audit administrator. To do this, the individual should:

  1. Log in to their College Board professional account.
  2. Go to the dashboard.
  3. Select Manage Access for Pre-AP/AP Course Audit.
  4. Use the Course Audit access code to add Course Audit administrator access or add teacher access.


What if I have a new teacher for a course offered in previous years? 

That teacher should follow the steps for the Pre-AP teacher for new schools. Once the teacher completes their steps, they’ll appear in your queue to confirm as the teacher of record. (This includes co-teachers.)

How do instructional coaches and administrators receive access to Pre-AP Classroom if they don’t complete the Course Audit process?

Instructional coaches and administrators will use an access code for Pre-AP Classroom. The Pre-AP Coordinator can access these codes from the ordering website under the Access Codes header.


Log in to begin Pre-AP Course Audit.