
Start Pre-AP Course Audit

The Purpose of Pre-AP Course Audit

Before your school can be authorized to offer Pre-AP, you’ll need to complete Pre-AP Course Audit.

Completion of Course Audit is required to:

  • Grant teachers access to Pre-AP Classroom, including instructional materials, professional learning, and assessment tools
  • Authorize your school to use "Pre-AP" in its course names
  • Include your school in Pre-AP Course Ledger

Before You Start

Designate a Pre-AP Course Audit administrator who can attest to the Pre-AP Program commitments. This can be the principal, a principal’s designee, or Pre-AP coordinator. It’s important that this person be available during the summer months because the Course Audit process must be completed before the school can access Pre-AP Classroom. You’ll need both a Course Audit administrator and Pre-AP teachers to complete the Pre-AP Course Audit.

Understand Pre-AP Commitments

The Pre-AP Program has four commitments that it asks of schools using the program. To complete the Course Audit, your school’s Pre-AP teachers and Pre-AP Course Audit administrator must attest to the following:

  1. Pre-AP for All: Pre-AP frameworks and assessments serve as the foundation for all sections of the course at the school.
    • Note: Course Audit administrators may request to defer implementing Pre-AP for All through Course Audit, should they need additional time to plan to meet this commitment in the future. To do so, they must refrain from establishing any entry barriers (such as minimum test scores, previous grades, or teacher recommendation) that could hinder students’ participation in Pre-AP. Additionally, they must commit to developing a plan to expand Pre-AP access at their school. See the Pre-AP for All Planning Guide for additional information.
  2. Course Frameworks: Teachers align their classroom instruction with Pre-AP course frameworks.
  3. Assessments: Teachers administer at least one learning checkpoint per unit on Pre-AP Classroom and four performance tasks.
  4. Professional Learning:Teachers complete the foundational professional learning (Online Foundational Modules or Pre-AP Summer Institute) and at least one online performance task scoring module. The current Pre-AP coordinator completes the Pre-AP Coordinator Online Module.

Completing the Course Audit as a New Pre-AP School 

Pre-AP Course Audit tasks are completed online. Course Audit administrators can get their access code from the ordering website under the Access Codes header. Course audit begins March 1 for the upcoming school year.  

Your steps to completing Pre-AP Course Audit:  

  1. Get your access code by logging in to the ordering website, and then viewing your code under the Access Code header.
  2. Register and log in to your your College Board professional account. Use the access code to add AP/Pre-AP Course Audit to your account.
  3. Attest to Pre-AP for All (one of the program commitments) or deferment.
  4. After a teacher has completed the Course Audit process, affirm the individual teacher as a teacher of record by approving the Course Audit submission.

Completing the Course Audit as a Returning School  

If you’ve already completed course audit and been authorized by Pre-AP, your process may be as simple as renewing and confirming information in your account.  

Your steps to completing Pre-AP Course Audit:  

  1. Log in to your College Board professional account.
  2. Navigate to the Course Audit tool.
  3. Attest to Pre-AP for All or deferment.
  4. Select Renew Pre-AP Courses.
  5. Confirm which teachers are still teaching courses from previous years (options are yes, no, or undecided). Note: You’ll only see courses that have been ordered for the upcoming academic year.


Begin Course Audit