Learn About Pre-AP
New for 2025-26
Why Choose Pre-AP?
How to Order Pre-AP
How Pre-AP Works
How Pre-AP Can Benefit Your School
Students and Pre-AP
Digital Access: Logging In and Using Pre-AP Classroom
Getting Your Pre-AP Join Codes
Pre-AP Course Descriptions
Pre-AP Course Audit
Professional Learning
Pre-AP Readiness Workshops
Pre-AP Professional Learning
Online Modules
Pre-AP Summer Institutes
Pre-AP Community
Implementing Pre-AP
How to Order Pre-AP
Getting Started with Pre-AP
Understanding Responsibilities for Each Role
Pre-AP for Teachers
Pre-AP for Coordinators
Pre-AP for Administrators
Pre-AP Resource Library
Pre-AP Classroom
Pre-AP Program Manual
Online User Manuals for Pre-AP Classroom
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Offering Pre-AP at Your School
Why offer Pre-AP?
What do you mean when you say, "Pre-AP is for all students”?
Is the Pre-AP designation granted to the school or the course?
How will these courses be coded against course titles/levels within our state course title system? For example, for each course title, we have a Basic, Standard, and Accelerated designation. Which one would we use for Pre-AP?
What is the Pre-AP Equity and Access Policy?