
Pre-AP Program Commitments

The Pre-AP Program has four commitments that it asks of schools using the program:

  1. Pre-AP for All: Pre-AP frameworks and assessments serve as the foundation for all sections of the course at the school.
    • Note: Course Audit administrators may request to defer implementing Pre-AP for All through Course Audit, should they need additional time to plan to meet this commitment in the future. To do so, they must refrain from establishing any entry barriers (such as minimum test scores, previous grades, or teacher recommendation) that could hinder students’ participation in Pre-AP. Additionally, they must commit to developing a plan to expand Pre-AP access at their school. See the Pre-AP for All Planning Guide for additional information.
  2. Course Frameworks: Teachers align their classroom instruction with the Pre-AP course frameworks.
  3. Assessments: Teachers administer at least one learning checkpoint per unit on Pre-AP Classroom and four performance tasks.
  4. Professional Learning: Teachers complete the foundational professional learning (Online Foundational Modules or Pre-AP Summer Institute) and at least one online performance task scoring module. The current Pre-AP coordinator completes the Pre-AP Coordinator Online Module.



Pre-AP Course Audit

Learn about the Pre-AP Course Audit process.