
Best Practices

How to get the most from your Pre-AP program

Supporting AP Readiness

The following actions support student preparedness for AP.

  1. Pre-AP for All: Increase the number of students taking AP by having all students engage in Pre-AP.
  2. Course Frameworks: Aligning instruction to Pre-AP course frameworks gives students access to the content and skills necessary for AP Success.
  3. Assessments: Provide students practice with Pre-AP assessments that prepare them for the types of questions they'll see on AP exams.
  4. Professional Learning: Engage teachers and instructional leaders in Pre-AP Professional learning to help them learn how to integrate Pre-AP materials and instructional practices into their daily lessons. Targeted learning opportunities for administrators  help them effectively support the Pre-AP program at their schools.



Pre-AP Course Audit

Learn about the Pre-AP Course Audit process.