
Online Foundational Modules for New Pre-AP Teachers

Free, on-demand modules that help teachers meet the program’s professional learning commitment

Available for free on Pre-AP Classroom, the Online Foundational Module Series supports teachers as they prepare for their Pre-AP course, and completion of these modules fulfills the first part of the professional learning commitment. These best-in-class, on-demand online modules take teachers through a course-specific series that highlights best practices for teaching Pre-AP. The entire series can be completed in 12–20 hours.

Pre-AP Teacher Online Foundational Module Series
Module 1: Welcome to Pre-AP 
Module 2: Your Course Framework and Areas of Focus 
Module 3: The Power of Shared Principles 
Module 4: Introduction to Pre-AP Instructional Resources 
Module 5: Exploring Model Lessons 
Module 6: Pre-AP Assessment Opportunities 
Module 7: Assessments for Learning 
Module 8: Building Your Course 

How to Access Online Foundational Modules in Pre-AP Classroom

  1. Complete Course Audit. Remember, to access Pre-AP Classroom, you need to be approved as the teacher by your Course Audit administrator.
  2. Log in at
  3. Select Go to Pre-AP Classroom for your course.
  4. Select Professional Learning from the top navigation menu.
  5. Select your Foundational Module Series Learning Plan to get started.

For additional support, click the Help button in Pre-AP Classroom or email [email protected].


Start your free Experienced Teacher Modules in Pre-AP Classroom.