
Online Coordinator Module

It's best practice for the Pre-AP coordinator to complete the Online Coordinator Module prior to the start of the school year. This online module will be available each year on May 1, when Pre-AP Classroom opens for the upcoming academic year.

The Online Coordinator Module is designed for the current Pre-AP coordinator of a Pre-AP school. This free, self-paced module is available on Pre-AP Classroom under Pre-AP Leadership Modules. It is recommended to complete this module prior to the start of the school year, so the coordinator can support the management of the program, including teacher and student onboarding.

Pre-AP coordinators are also encouraged to complete the Online Leadership Modules for Pre-AP administrators.

How to Access the Online Coordinator Module in Pre-AP Classroom

  1. To access Pre-AP coordinator and leadership modules, login to AP Central at
  2. Scroll down. Select AP & Pre-AP Classroom. This will redirect you to Pre-AP Classroom. Select Pre-AP Leadership Modules.
  3. You will be directed to a page that hosts all professional learning opportunities for coordinators and administrators. Depending on your role and needs, select either Pre-AP Coordinator Module or Pre-AP Leadership Modules.
  4. Select Start Learning Now.

For additional support, click the Help button in Pre-AP Classroom or email [email protected].



Start your free online module.