Professional Learning for New Pre-AP Teachers

Meeting the program’s professional learning commitment—and beyond

Register for Professional Learning


Before starting their Pre-AP course, all new teachers of Pre-AP commit to completing foundational professional learning.

Program Commitments

  1. Complete the free, on-demand Online Foundational Module Series through Pre-AP Classroom. The series, which runs 12−20 hours, is available year-round. However, it’s recommended that all modules be completed before the start of the school year. CEUs are granted upon completion.

    OR attendPre-AP Summer Institute. At these in-person or virtual institutes, educators explore course materials, plan their course, and develop connections within the Pre-AP community. CEUs are granted upon completion.
  2. Complete at least one on-demand Online Scoring Module (free and available through Pre-AP Classroom). At least one must be completed, although we encourage teachers to engage with all of them.
